Saturday, June 14, 2008


Here are some pictures.  I photoshopped them to make them look nicer (hopefully).  Some just make the colors brighter and some give us a second head.  Haha.  Just kidding...but that would be funny.  Anyways, enjoy!

At Volubulis

Moulay Idris

My mentor surprised me on my birthday with some figs.  It's an acquired taste that I haven't acquired yet, but still trying!

Ancient ruins overlooking Fes.

Horse stables in Meknes.  Yeah, it's long.

A view of the Medina of Fes.

Cool, huh?

Fountains on the walk from our mentor's house to our place

1 comment:

Mary said...

Wow, I love the fountain. Keep up the pictures.
I have never tried a fig, but I sure do like the Fig Newton cookies.

Have fun next week.
