Friday, August 8, 2008

People Who Have Impacted My Life the Most

The title pretty much describes it.  I'm going to list the people who have impacted my life the most.  These are in no specific order.  These people helped shaped me into the person I am today.  Whether that's good or bad I'll leave to you.  By no means have I "arrived"-I hope I never do.  But these people have had a significant impact on my life.

-Mom & Dad
-Mr. Manja
-Mr. Millen
-My Mentors from Morocco

Brief break...apparently I like "M"'s

-Kelly McCormick
-Mr. Nugent & Mrs. Lehman
-Brandon & Colyn

1 comment:

Mary said...

Ryan you have impacted my life also. Thank you and Nicole for spending time with me this week. I hope I can continue to stay on your list for the positive ( I hope) he he

Love you lots